Life in Community – Being Connected
…And day by day the Lord added to their number those who were being saved. Acts 2:47
Last month, six youth and I attended the NE Iowa LYO Assembly in Mason City, IA. The theme was “Get Connected”, and the event began with a message from Bishop Ulestad in which he used the analogy of a cross country team. In cross country, unlike many other sports, the meet is not over until all the runners cross the finish line with cheers from the spectators. The team supports and encourages each other no matter if the team mates are the fastest or slowest runners. Each member is encouraged to try to do his or her personal best and not compare times to those of others. A cross country team is a community, and the members are connected to one another.
One important part of my ministry is to help children, youth, and families connect to the community of faith. It is a challenging task because over the years in American society we have lost our sense of what it means to be a community. The focus of our society has been on the individual, not on community. While individuals are important, and unique gifts and talents of individuals should be honored, we are called as Christians to be part of a community where we use our individual gifts to serve and where we are served by others as we strive to be in relationship with God.
In Acts 2:43-47, we can read a description of what it was like in the community of the early Christian church. It tells us that the community met together often. They shared what they had and took
care of each other. They met in the temple to share stories of their faith. They gathered in homes to share meals and worship. They reached out to those outside the community and brought in new members. They were noticed by the people outside the community because of the work that they did. This is a wonderful description of community. It does sound idyllic, and we shouldn’t assume that the early church didn’t have its troubles because we know that it did, but we also know that the church survived because the members stayed connected.
So how do we stay connected? We come together to worship as we gather around God’s Word and share stories of faith. We share what we have and take care of one another. We reach out to others and invite them into the community. We do these things to stay connected to God and to one another.
On Maundy Thursday, April 5th, we have an incredible opportunity to be in community with one another. On that evening we will gather to share our faith story as we celebrate a traditional Passover feast; we will break bread together in a fellowship meal; we will gather around God’s word in worship with communion and foot washing. Jesus gave the example of living in community. He gathered with his friends to share a meal and to teach them to serve one another. I hope that you can join us for this meaningful event as we remember the story of Jesus’ last meal.
Sara McCaw