February News

"Jesus said to them, ‘Let the little children come to me; do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.’” Mark 10:14
The Holy Trinity faith community has welcomed many new babies through baptism this last year. As the worship assistant on Saturday evenings, I have the privilege of participating in the sacrament of baptism. It is an exciting time in worship as we welcome the newest members of the body of Christ and promise to support the children and the parents as they seek to live out lives of faith. As I’ve lived in the HTLC community the past three years, I have been encouraged by the tremendous support given to children and youth by this congregation. As a community we are living out our baptismal promises. During the month of January, the high school students taught the Sunday school classes for the second through fifth graders. Our lessons were based on the story of Jesus blessing the children from Mark 10. This profound story shows Jesus’ care for the least members of society - those thought to be unimportant and not worthy of Jesus’ time. I’m not sure that our children and youth can truly appreciate the significance of Jesus’ actions and blessing because our children and youth are well supported in their church home. They have a congregation who has made the commitment to support a full time Youth and Family Minister. There are caring adults who give their time and talents each week to support a program of Christian education including Sunday school, children’s choir, and confirmation. Children and youth are welcomed and included in worship and are encouraged to participate as worship leaders. There are willing volunteers who staff a nursery for our youngest children. HTLC has helped to support a quality Christian preschool for 30 years. A new Youth Board initiative has recruited over 25 adults, who do not have children in the programs at HTLC, as mentors for our youth. This is an impressive list. I want to thank you for the continued support of our children and youth. Jesus is blessing our children everyday as he works through the members of HTLC. In Christ, Sara