July 2007
O Lord, our Sovereign, how majestic is your name in all the earth! When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you have established; what are human beings that you are mindful of them, mortals that you care for them? Psalm 8:1, 3&4
I had a wonderful day last Tuesday. I played hookie from work. Well not exactly, I changed my vacation day so that I could spend the day outside. It was the most glorious day – blue sky, low humidity, 75ยบ, cool breeze. I spent the day in my gardens. I love digging in the dirt and caring for my flowers. As I ate my lunch on the back deck, I watched a flicker looking for tasty insects on my ash tree. It was a treat because flickers aren’t common visitors to my yard. I was serenaded by the wren as he stood guard over his brood in my wren house. My dogs were feeling frisky in the breeze and danced around the yard as they chased each other. God’s creations were providing entertainment during my meal.
The next morning, I awakened at 4:30 am to hear a chorus of birds greeting the new day. I don’t usually awaken that early, but I was glad that I got to hear the concert. The birds were praising God by doing what God created them to do – sing at daybreak. As I listened to the beautiful summer music, I thought of Psalm 8 – one of my favorites. God’s creation continually amazes me, just as the writer of the Psalm expresses, and I am blessed to be part of it. Isn’t the creative genius of our God astounding? And how much more astounding is it that our God cares so much for us that Jesus came to express the depths of God’s love. Thank goodness for days like Tuesday – days when I can tune into the amazing gifts of creation that God has given to us. O Lord, our Sovereign, how majestic is your name in all the earth! Indeed!
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